Arya Demon Chanting Hymns:

  Arya Demon Chanting Hymns: Tenali Ramalinga clearly understood that Thathacharya was furious on him.  He is just a court poet, while Thathacharya is the royal family teacher and priest.  If Ramalinga tried to confront directly with Thathacharya, that might ruin him similar to the situation, a lamb smashing her head when it collided with a mountain to knock it down.  Analyzing all the situations in detail and taking comparison of the strengths, Ramalinga decided to encounter Thathacharya with intelligence and not directly waging a war in the open.  Since then, Ramalinga started enquiring about the weaknesses of Thathacharya.  In this process, one day Ramalinga managed to speak in isolation with Thathacharyas night watchman Bhadrudu.  Carrying a small package in hand, Ramalinga addressed him, Hey you, Bhadrudu! If you can give me a small information, all the 100 Varahas in this package will be yours.  Bhadrudu’s eyes sparkled on hearing ‘100 Varah...

English Quotes - 1

1.Just know, when you truly want success, you’ll never give up on it. No matter how bad the situation may get.

2.Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else.

3. I don’t regret the things I’ve done, I regret the things I didn’t do when I had the chance.

4. Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.

5. Its hard to wait around for something you know might never happen; but its harder to give up when you know its everything you want.

6. One of the most important keys to Success is having the discipline to do what you know you should do, even when you dont feel like doing it.

7. Good things come to those who wait… greater things come to those who get off their ass and do anything to make it happen.

8. Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, or worn. It is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace & gratitude.

9.In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.

10. Go where you are celebrated – not tolerated. If they can’t see the real value of you, it’s time for a new start.


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