Arya Demon Chanting Hymns:

  Arya Demon Chanting Hymns: Tenali Ramalinga clearly understood that Thathacharya was furious on him.  He is just a court poet, while Thathacharya is the royal family teacher and priest.  If Ramalinga tried to confront directly with Thathacharya, that might ruin him similar to the situation, a lamb smashing her head when it collided with a mountain to knock it down.  Analyzing all the situations in detail and taking comparison of the strengths, Ramalinga decided to encounter Thathacharya with intelligence and not directly waging a war in the open.  Since then, Ramalinga started enquiring about the weaknesses of Thathacharya.  In this process, one day Ramalinga managed to speak in isolation with Thathacharyas night watchman Bhadrudu.  Carrying a small package in hand, Ramalinga addressed him, Hey you, Bhadrudu! If you can give me a small information, all the 100 Varahas in this package will be yours.  Bhadrudu’s eyes sparkled on hearing ‘100 Varah...

A Merchant and his Donkey

One beautiful spring morning, a merchant loaded his donkey with bags of salt to go to the market, in order to sell the salt. The merchant and his donkey were walking along together. They had not walked far when they reached a river on the way.

Unfortunately, the donkey slipped and fell into the river. As it scrambled up the bank of the river, it noticed that the bags of salt loaded on his back had become lighter.

There was nothing the merchant could do except return home, where he loaded his donkey with more bags of salt. As they reached the slippery riverbank again, the donkey fell into the river, this time deliberately. Thus the salt was wasted again.

By now the merchant knew the donkey's trick. He wanted to teach the animal a lesson. As he returned home the second time with the donkey, the merchant loaded bags of sponges on its back.

The duo set out on their trip to the market a third time. On reaching the river, the donkey very cleverly fell into the water again. But now, instead of the load becoming lighter, it became heavier.

The merchant laughed at the donkey and said, "You foolish donkey, your trick has been discovered. You should know that you cannot fool anyone too many times."


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